The Blog:

Anna Quinn

Anna Quinn
Anna Quinn is the founder of Modest Muscle Mvmt and has been a nationally certified personal trainer for 7 years and counting. With over a thousand documented transformations and testimonials, her credibility as a knowledgeable trainer, coach, and friend stands strong. Anna attributes all of her success in the industry to her hard work, her thirst for knowledge, and her reliance on Jesus Christ. She continues to train clients, hoping to improve as many lives as she can – from the inside, out.
Most Recent Posts By Anna
Not Being Racist Isn’t Enough.

Not Being Racist Isn’t Enough.

I’ve had the privilege of having heart-to-hearts with many people from different cultural backgrounds and I’ve been intentional about the questions I’ve asked them. For those who haven’t had the opportunity – or rather, created the opportunity – to be around solid, culturally diverse people, I’m going to share three takeaways that I think the world would be better off if it understood.

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Modesty Revealed

Modesty Revealed

I used to think the intention of modesty was to hide your body; I was wrong. Modesty isn’t about hiding your body… it’s about revealing your character. I tried to find a way around the intense wording in this next paragraph, but tiptoeing around “the R word” doesn’t change the fact that it happened.

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Why You Shouldn’t Pause Your Fitness Goals

Why You Shouldn’t Pause Your Fitness Goals

I’ve been a trainer for 7 years, and that means I’ve heard my fair share of excuses. There are INFINITE problems that will keep you from reaching your fitness goals, but there are also infinite solutions. You have to decide if you’re going to let the business of life compromise your health, or if you’re going to find a way to incorporate healthy habits into your life despite those things.

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Sorry I Didn’t Forgive You

Sorry I Didn’t Forgive You

I am no stranger to forgiveness. Not only have I screwed up many times and had to ask for forgiveness from others, but I have been screwed over many times and had many people ask me for my forgiveness. The crazy thing is, although we often ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness to others, many times we don’t permit ourselves to actually receive the forgiveness being offered to us.

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Stop Earning People’s Love

Stop Earning People’s Love

My relationships with people have always been SAFE. I’ve always been 0 or 100, hot or cold, yes or no. I’ve never really experienced a relationship in between with someone. I’m either for you, on your team, rooting you on… or I’m not. And to be quite frank, there are very few times I can think of where I HAVEN’T been on someones team.

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My Name Is…?

My Name Is…?

If you had asked me three years ago, my introduction would’ve sounded a little like this. “I’m Anna Quinn. I’m 15 years old. I love Jesus… but I’m curious. I only know one way of life… and there are so many more out there. I’m 15 and I’m on the road to finding myself.” But the thing about trying to find yourself in this world is that you end up finding exactly who you want to find; and when you’re not exactly sure who you want that to be, you end up letting the world choose for you.

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Modesty Revealed

Modesty Revealed

Modesty Doesn't Hide, It Reveals. I used to think the intention of modesty was to hide your body; I was wrong. Modesty...

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One Race: Human



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