Finishing Faith

Written By Travis Phillips

On January 12, 2021
Travis Phillips is a Christian content creator who intentionally represents Jesus Christ and passionately builds people. He serves as the digital media supervisor for Burchfield Ministries International located in Columbus, Texas.

What’s up fit fam! Hope you’re doing well in the aftermath of holiday feasting. If you went a little overboard with desserts it’s totally fine; we’ll just call it a calorie surplus!

We’re all breathing better with 2020 in the rearview mirror and New Year’s resolutions are definitely a thing right now. If you were to look back on years past there might be a few that stand out. Here are a few examples:

  • “2010 was the year I graduated”
  • “2013 was the year I took up dancing lessons”
  • “2016 was the year I went on my dream vacation”
  • “2019 was the year I actually felt like an adult”
  • “2020 was the year I fell in love and got… COVID”

All jokes and dreams of being married aside (it’s ok girl, this is your year), I have to ask… When we gather around the table at the end of the year and it’s your turn to talk… What significance will 2021 have had?


Life isn’t about the things you start, but the things that you finish. It’s impressive to rattle off a list of dreams for 2021, but those are just words until you put to action, or a plan of action, behind them. In life, you constantly have tasks vying for your time and attention. My challenge is to stay focused on a few things YOU want to get done and actually do them. Have “finishing faith”, the faith to start something, and the determination to see it to finish.

Here are three ways to set yourself up for success this year:

  1. Get honest – What’s three to five of your most important goals? Finish those first.
  2. Get visual – Write down your goals and put them in a place you look at every day.
  3. Get accountability – this can be in the form of a friend, program, or professional.

Fill in this blank with your biggest goal. Maybe it’s finances, spiritual development, or a health goal. Say it out loud! “2021 will be the year I ________________________”

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” – Bill Gates

Cheering you on!


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