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I’ve had the privilege of having heart-to-hearts with many people from different cultural backgrounds and I’ve been intentional about the questions I’ve asked them. For those who haven’t had the opportunity – or rather, created the opportunity – to be around solid, culturally diverse people, I’m going to share three takeaways that I think the world would be better off if it understood.
I am no stranger to forgiveness. Not only have I screwed up many times and had to ask for forgiveness from others, but I have been screwed over many times and had many people ask me for my forgiveness. The crazy thing is, although we often ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness to others, many times we don’t permit ourselves to actually receive the forgiveness being offered to us.
My relationships with people have always been SAFE. I’ve always been 0 or 100, hot or cold, yes or no. I’ve never really experienced a relationship in between with someone. I’m either for you, on your team, rooting you on… or I’m not. And to be quite frank, there are very few times I can think of where I HAVEN’T been on someones team.
What’s up fit fam! Hope you’re doing well in the aftermath of holiday feasting. If you went a little overboard with...
Stop PAUSING your fitness goals!! I’ve been a trainer for 7 years, and that means I’ve heard my fair share of excuses....
Modesty Doesn't Hide, It Reveals. I used to think the intention of modesty was to hide your body; I was wrong. Modesty...
One Race: Human
Not Being Racist Isn't Enough. I recently attended an awards ceremony. I was nominated for a few things, but I...
This article was originally posted on I often like to use the following nutrition analogy: building a...
Not Being Racist Isn't Enough. I recently attended an awards ceremony. I was nominated for a few things, but I...